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AE 481W & AE 482 (Senior Thesis) requires a lot of time and dedication to the project as well as attention to detail. The whole senior thesis process provides students with the opportunity to become familiar with the responsibilities required by designers and engineers when a building is being designed. Thesis allows students to become familiar not only with their respective field of study (depths), but also allows for opportunity of investing two other systems within the building (breadths). Regardless of your field of study, the thesis course is rigorous and can be easy to fall behind in if the work is not kept up with. My advice is to stay in touch with your thesis advisers, as they are always willing to help and be there to answer any questions you may have. And use your thesis advisers for advice and help as you will see, it will be much more beneficial then trying to figure it all out on your own. My other piece of advice is to break the work up into sections and set a goal to complete a section within an allotted time frame. Also, work with your peers, it'll make thesis go much more smooth and a little less stress free, but get prepared for some long nights in thesis lab! WE ARE!


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